Senin, 23 April 2012

Dark Moon "The World of Difference"


 looked towards the outside and show boredom to the outside world. My name is Maria Kunt, a strange and foreign names for 19-year-old innocent girl, with brown skin color and Indonesia faced oriental that will live in America. In Indonesia I used to be called by the name Mary by my friends, yes ... even though I faced oriental but I have an attractive appearance, especially on the appearance of hair. But in a perfect appearance. I'm actually a lot of secrets buried and have my secret to others, but maybe I'll unlock the secrets of that later.
I went and moved to America because my father was requested to follow the client to move to America. My father named Budiman was actually a famous healer in Indonesia, he received an offer from one of his clients who call me as host Logan to move to a corner of America that they are easy to connect. My father refused at first but when my mother died and even then accepted the offer so he could forget the precious memories during her life. But still to me that memory is not something to be forgotten, and I do not like this move.
In this way I'm feeling very tired because as far as the eye could see who I see only the old trees are quiet without the sound of animals at all. It was a very beautiful place and according to what I like the silence, but somehow I felt there was a strange yag with this place, I think America is a very big country, but why is there a place that is as quiet and even the very quiet. Toward a moment when I looked out my window I saw a glimpse of who ran very fast and seemed to be stalking us.
" Apa kau melihat itu, yah." I said in the Indonesian holding tightly to my father's hand.
" Apa! Em.. mungkin itu hanya hewan atau kau hanya sedang berhalusinasi saja karena berada di tempat yang asing." my father answered with a serious face and try to concentrate to drive this old car. It may be true if I was hallucinating, pretty easy to understand if a person is hallucinating in a very quiet this.
From traveling very far and tedious, we finally arrived in front of an old house the walled timber in the middle of vast forests. This place really is a very remote compared with other villages out there, but the advantages of this place is a very cool atmosphere and the sound of birds singing still, and I hope I will never see a wild animal here. Actually in my heart there are many things I'd like to ask my father this time, the question that arises from the strange feeling that comes when we entered the forest border, but I probably will not ask for at this time.
Finally my fatigue caused by sitting for long in this old car is completed. I got out of the car was feeling happy but also sad because my last farewell to my native place is really happening, but I have to accept my father's decision today and receive a new page in my life. I began to equate this place to my place first. I do not intend to compare the benefits and drawbacks, but I'm just amazed at it with conditions very different from where I used to be.
"Tempat apa ini, banyak rumah yang berjejer di sekitar rumah ini, tapi aku sama sekali tidak merasakan kehadiran manusia." I asked as he slowly approached my father who was lighting the fire for his cigarette.
"Bagus bukan, bukankah kita menyukai tempat yang sejuk dan tenang seperti tempat yang dinamakan desa Patenvilles ini." Replied my father, who continued to smoke his cigar. Actually I heard a conversation between my father's time with the host logan. At that time, sir logan offers a place next to his apartment, but my father wanted a place far from the crowds and have a magical history that this place was offered by the host logan. Mr. Logan said that Patenvilles has a very mysterious magical history, when it hosts logan Patenvilles was once told that a village with a population of middle of the forest, but all the people living in Patenvilles disappeared somewhere.
Patenvilles live in is a challenge for him. There is no fear at all in his face, just a serious look on his face that was always shown to others. Patenvilles is a great place for career development of my father, so my dad finally chose this place. While I think Patenvilles is the best place for me, but maybe I should better get used to life in this new place. There are things that started me in a place like this, from the cool shade of the atmosphere, its quiet, and pristine atmosphere in this place, and I hope that here there is a flower garden. Secret that occurred in this place to me is a value that is in place.
In my silence there is a subtle whisper always plagued me as if to convey a secret to me. Come on, come on, those words kept ringing in my ears, what bothered me but I never pay attention at all. Many times I convince myself to be neutral as I have done before, but the feeling just kept bugging me under surveillance until the sound of car horns and made me surprised. It appears a man in white coats are big, bald-headed out of the car, holding a golden brown sticks, he was host Logan ever I were talking about.
"O lord Budiman, how are you today? It was nice to see you in this country ... How, do you like living here? "Welcomes Logan hosts with fluent English and a smile so wide that I can put three fingers in it. My father did not answer questions provided by the host Logan and Logan just a little looking at the host that looks like, that's the nature of my father.
"Emm .. what if we talked about my business and the continuation of your journey in the house alone, "said Logan hosts the start sweating and holding my father's shoulder as he walked toward the house. I walked towards the car to pick up plastic bags and food places are located in the back seat. When I closed the car door whispering voice was heard again, and how shocked I was when a glimpse of a shadowy figure seen lurking behind the man that forest trees before the house. That does not scare me though I was a little surprised, but it continues to exist in the shadow of my mind even when I opened the door of the house.
When I entered the old house is the father still hear the words of the master Logan on a chair that is still wrapped in white cloth. I walked down the corner in an old house, there are many things my father had owned prior to and neat while still wrapped in white cloth. I walk around and look at the content and form of the house there are paintings of people who I expect is Patenvilles population, but there are also paintings mark the former site of a picture frame on the wall that may have been the place for a family picture for the previous residents. See the state of this old house had made me think about the previous occupants and their populations are disappearing Patenvilles as host Logan said. Fantasy as a thirteen-year-olds say they do not disappear, just that something happened that was not known by people outside the forest.
My eyes are now focused on the stairs in front of me, and without hesitation I climbed the stairs one by one. My eyes were fixed on one room space at the end when I had arrived on the second floor. Slowly I opened the door, crick sound heard when the door opened, it looks a spacious room that has a medium-sized windows that lead directly to the forest and the home front. I just throw my bag into the dust-filled seat and opened the window so the breeze could help repel dust that sticks in each room furniture. Now I have to clean up this room and take a photograph of a woman who I call mom is in my bag.
Not long after I finish my activities sound of a car that was turned on and turned to go, and together with the disappearance of the audible sound of the car had also heard a familiar voice in my ear that started calling me. Concurrent I immediately left the room and walked to a sound source in the basement. I think I know what my father wanted. Without asking again I took the plastic that contains a lot of canned food that I had put on the table near the door and go into a room that looks like a kitchen. Next is my father's habit of always feeling hungry after every serve clients who come to consult, but now I do not have to worry anymore because he now only serve one person, so I do not need to prepare meals as often anymore.
”Haruskah kita memakan makanan kaleng di hari pertama?" He said in the Indonesian language that comes from living room to dining room.
"Kita tidak akan sempat untuk memasak makanan untuk hari pertama kan! Sepertinya ayah tidak perlu terlihat dingin lagi, klien ayah kan sudah pergi." I replied, turning around to see my dad with a little joke. My father actually has a friendly nature, especially to his family, he will just be cold towards others including clients in order to maintain his dignity in front of others.
"sepertinya tidak ada lagi yang perlu ayah tutupi lagi, ayah tidak bisa berpura-pura dingin dihadapan anak ayah yang paling cantik." My father replied with a chuckle.
"ayah…. Sepertinya ayah tidak perlu memanjakanku seperti anak kecil lagi, aku kan sudah dewasa." I said give me the food was prepared on a plate. My dad just laughed and looked at me a moment. I could read what his father, the thing that made me sad but also thankful because it could be his son. This is the body's biological child but the soul is someone else, it is true to say that my soul is not the soul of this body, because this body is the body of the girl who had died in an accident which is driven more by a spirit that never get lost in the world.
After my conversation with my father I went to the second floor to clean my office and also to prepare the things that maybe I need for my classes tomorrow. Speaking about the lecture, there are many things that began to fondle my mind, whether the climate is similar to conditions in the original or a very different place drastically. I fantasize a lot about the event tomorrow, so I forgot that tonight was really late and I decided to sleep quickly.
The next day I woke up from my bed early in the morning. After I cleaned my room I rushed down from upstairs to downstairs to clean the house, arranging the room that yesterday before I order, and to prepare a meal for two. This morning was a beautiful morning in a village in the middle of the woods Patenvilles. Unimaginable beauty in this place is very strange because it has widened a lot of houses in the woods but was not occupied by humans, but in a place like this should be a paradise for humans.
Today is my first day on campus is new, I'd better be prepared mentally to the different circumstances with the situation that I always experienced. This time my father walked me to the front of my new college, the first thing to do as long as I was with him. But maybe this will be the first and last time he drove because he promised to take new car for me, a gift from Mr. Logan to my dad because willing to live in this country uncle Sam.
Slowly I walked into a campus building and enter the storehouse of science that will lead me into the future. To this day I have to struggle to adjust to a different crowd at the same time I must finish my administration here as a new student. I majored in the same when I was in Indonesia, namely Economics. I think I will continue the semester that I've traveled, but here I have to repeat from the beginning of the semester, maybe it's because I'm not too clever even many people who told me that I was innocent.
After I finished I was allowed to direct the administration to follow the course of today. I walked down the halls and looking for classes for the first course. I immediately entered the classroom I'm looking after I found it, things I was transfixed and speechless when I walked into class that has already begun. Everyone looked at me as a lecturer who was teaching directly inquire into the purpose of this class and identity, and when I say I live in Patenvilles all those who are in the classroom muttering to each other directly, including professors who also questioned me directly go back one step. All the things I did not know and they know makes me more curious because everyone was surprised when I say the word Patenvilles.
On the other hand a young kissing dwellers Patenvilles a human presence in the woods, she was named Tylor. Tylor is a figure commonly called a wolf or a werewolf. This young man has a well-built and features a brown-skinned in her shadow like figure of Jacob Tylor Lautner starring in the movie twilight.
"I smell a human." He muttered. Quickly the young man turn into a wolf and the big brown hairy looking for the source of the odor. With a careful search for human odor Tylor by Tylor that smell, it smells very sharp odor, the smell was probably not far from Patenvilles or even exist in the forest Patenvilles. As far as she ran to find the source of the odor and eventually found two human figures Tylor who was driving a dark green car that was speeding with speed heading into the jungle, a place where the village is located Patenvilles.
With extreme caution and follow Tylor hide the car from the side. Tylor is very curious about the old man because no man who came to the forest Patenvilles after the event 150 years ago. Patenvilles first is a village in the middle of forest that has 250 residents, but the village is to be greatly feared by man after the disappearance of local residents. Actual population Patenvilles not completely disappeared, but they actually have died from predation by a Werewolf. Of course after the incident all the people in the village turned into a Werewolf Patenvilles, ranging from children to parents and they all began to spread into the deepest jungle after the incident. after the incident that no one knows the exact cause of the disappearance of the population Patenvilles, many people who think the population due to predation by Patenvillesmenghilang hordes of wild animals in the woods and some who thought they disappeared because of the curse, but the estimate is not acceptable because it does not evidence. At that time the city government was investigating the reports circulating in Patenvilles, but nothing can be solved because of all the investigators who entered the forest, never to return Patenvilles like disappeared swallowed by the earth to make the mystery remains a mystery.
Many things that make Tylor felt compelled to follow the car, ranging from a new human being comes into this place because this man may be a sign of the arrival of a return to human activities in the forest this Patenvilles. Tylor actually thought it was weird at the two men he saw because he smelled the human scent that only one person, whereas the other human figures odor similar to humans but have differences that can not be explained. Tylor continued to chase the car, he somehow sensed that something big will happen because of their arrival. Tylor occasionally stop chasing and hiding when a girl is in the car began to feel suspicious and looked out the window.
The car stopped when it came to a house on the edge of the village Patenvilles. Tylor continues stalking them from a distance with wolf form, and when it Tylor also smell other humans that come from the same direction as the green car and stopped at the same place with the car. Tylor continued to lurk directions on three human figures talking to each other outside the house, but Tylor's eyes are more interested to see the figure of a long black-haired girl next to the car. Tylor felt that humans are somehow different odor was coming from the girl so that her eyes more fixed on the girl. Tylor really wanted to go to these people, but Tylor did not have the courage to approach, even when she is outside the home alone after two other men entered the house. There is a feeling that Tylor force to close when the girl was alone, but at Tylor first step, the girl seemed to feel the presence that Tylor ran and disappeared behind the bushes.
Tylor raced toward a modest house on the edge of forests. He started walking toward the house as he approached the house, where Tylor is awaited by both parents Tylor, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, and three brothers, Clark-Shyne-sofy. Mr. Smith is a chief of police, and Mrs. Smith is a doctor, they had no other job to protect people and cover all the weirdness that made by another Werewolf. Clark is the older brother who also became the first Tylor police to assist the master Smith. Shyne is the second brother Tylor who was a student at the same campus with Tylor, Shyne is one of the unique Werewolf dikeluarganya that is if he turns into a wolf then it will brown fur with a bit of a shiny white color, but Shyne has properties temper which makes it more powerful among his family. While Tylor Sofy is a younger sister who has short hair and black. Although they are a werewolf, but they still have their human nature and do not prey on humans as another Werewolf.
Tylor slowly approached his parents and brother. There are some who want him to say but the information he got was too early to say.
"What one thing we need to be aware of the arrival of the man?" Said sofy to Tylor.
"I still do not know. But there are some things that made me curious, which is one man who came to Patenvilles have odors different from other people. "Answer to face Tylor thinks.
"That's what we smell was not something wrong." Replied Mrs. Smith.
"Tylor, continue to observe the movements of human beings, fathers fear their arrival known by another Werewolf. And you, observe the surrounding area to see if they know it. "Smith said with a thoughtful host. Without an answer to the four brothers were immediately turned away and turned into a wolf and then dispersed into the woods.
Tylor has been tasked to spy on the man and continue to lurk all day Tylor old house where the man lived. A very sharp view is never separated from the state of the house, monitor, whether they have come up with a good or a bad goal for Patenvilles. Actually, the Werewolf is a consistent type of creature that lived on the task, especially in the case of snooping, only a blink of an eye they can see a very distant view that can not be done by the human eye, even just by smell alone they can track and locate the something they are lurking. Many of those who would rather wait and hide from their opponents, but they are not cowards because they hide the real opponent to find weaknesses.
Night began to greet the Patenvilles, but Tylor still do not know the purpose of their arrival in Patenvilles, only the lights from inside the house that came on one by one until the light disappeared one by one and leave one light still burning in the room upstairs. Tylor began to wish for a hearing is sharp like those of a rabbit, sight and smell was not very useful in this surveillance.
Tylor felt that somehow she seemed to know his whereabouts. That's a strange thought for him, but when his eyes focused on the figure of the girl on the spot where she was looking for a position Tylor. Tylor felt like an eagle is chasing a mouse in the ground, where the rat was learned that he was being chased but did not know the position of scouts.
Tylor began to feel that their arrival did not have any intention, but he still had to keep an eye on the situation around the house for another Werewolf enemy even they do not come into the house and create a new mystery to the outside world. Smith family was tired enough to cover the mysteries that occur before and hopefully it will not happen the same event again.
On the same day and time with family coming Budiman, the sound of branches that rub against each other quickly in the opposite side of the forest. Several animal around the voice those also sudden die with five secondhand wounds claw that looks like scratches wolf. Thre was a scary start to come into this place, something that had forgotten the man moved to haunt again. They are victims who disappeared at the event in advance Patenvilles which was already turned into a werewolf, the Smith family as they are called Black Shadow.
Black Shadow hates the Smith family, the Black Shadow assumes that the Smith family is a group of traitors who would rather defend the human race than their own. As has been previously told that the village is a village Patenvilles very peaceful, but one night came a phantom wolf that preys on a family that eventually became the Werewolf and eventually infect the entire village. In the event that only one family who managed to hide and survive in a way they cover up the smell with the smell of rotten fruit to sting, they are the smith family. Smith family at the time it continues to hide, they did not dare come out because although the Werewolf can only be changed at will during the night but they are human beings they are also very strong. Smith's family continues to hide with their fear until one day the situation became calm and a group of teams of investigators who came to rescue them, but unfortunately when the Smith family out of a bunch of hiddens, Black Shadow come and attack them so that they become one of the Black shadow. At first Smith family in the same nature with the Black Shadow others who can not control the nature of the Werewolf.
Werewolf is divided into two groups, Black Shadow and Shadow Gray. Such as the who has been recounted-not it that the Black Shadow which led by man adult named Morgan is a werewolf who very hates the humans, they assume that humans is the creature a lowly because do not immortal and they now feel such as god because of eternal, then the from it Black Shadow ambition is to makes the whole man into werewolf. While Gray Shadow is a werewolf who still have feelings like humans and want to get back into a human. Shadow Gray formerly was part of the Black Shadow, they have emotions that are brutal and can not control their changes as another werewolf. When they are tangible wolves they would not recognize their human nature, human nature they will still be there when they are in human form, the form is the one they are trying to figure out how to get back into a human. Much they are doing but no one they could find, but they managed to find a way to maintain their humanity in the form of a wolf and a good control of their changes during the day.
News of the disappearance of people in the woods Patenvilles has spread throughout the city, so that no one dared to visit the forest Patenvilles. The absence of men who came to make the Black Shadow Forest Patenvilles decided to attack another human being in the outside world and of course the decision was opposed by Shadow Gray. Opposition is making a very fierce battle between the Black Shadow with Shadow Gray. Warfare was eventually won by Gray Shadow that have a senses and a greater ability terrific than the Black Shadow, ability which very amazing due to way of which they traveled to become humans re-.
In the battle that is won by the Gray made his Black Shadow is feeling cornered so that Black Shadow, led by Morgan decided to disappear. Patenvilles is now re calm anymore but Gray Shadow still feel that the Black Shadow will remain attack humans in the world the outside. Shadow Gray finally decided to mingle with people and looking at the same time blocking the Black Shadow, only the Smith family who decided to stay around the forest as a precaution Patenvilles if Black Shadow back. Now some years have passed since the incident at that time but Gray Shadow still have not gotten the news about the Black Shadow, Shadow Gray began to think that they will not return, but the allegations were false because Black Shadow is back with more werewolf.
Black Shadow is not really that hungry predators will prey, they may not attack humans except that they could not contain his emotions when they are angry or when the fresh smell of human flesh like a fresh scar. There are other things that make them defend their belief that the werewolf must continue to attack humans, what they believe is a prophesy that there will be a Werewolf who will become human again and make another werewolf to be human too. Maybe the prophecy was welcomed by Shadow Gray to Black Shadow but not because they like their situation is like this. In addition to its eternal life, Black Shadow is also very fond of the circumstances in which they eat human flesh or transmit the virus Werewolf, as it is just like when people smoke marijuana and making them as if drunk.
Similarities that exist in Shadow by Black Shadow Gray is an emotion that neither could be arrested at all when angry, even though the emotions that took place between them are very different but the emotions that make them the strength to rise rapidly. If the emotions that occur in the Black Shadow is a totally rage out of control may even kill what he saw, the emotions that occur in Gray Shadow is the anger which happened soon and not as emotionally brutal Black Shadow.


s soon as the last class broke up, I went to the front page while waiting for my pick to come. There is a strange feeling that I followed. When I look back, I saw a man who had seen me strange in the classroom. He looked at me with a stare as if to pounce on me from behind. I'd love to call it so as not to see me with a view like that to me. However, my fear to see it bigger than my courage to call it.
I took a step back to see if he was following me. The result is that the man actually followed me. Every time I take the first step, he also took his first step and when I stopped, she stopped. I did this over and over again to be sure. Again turned my head to see himself, a view that I see is as if he challenged me to do this step again.
Repeated steps I have done for him to feel that I already know that he followed me. But he seemed to be so casual with what I do. Of course I became awkward. I ran as fast as possible and trying not to be followed. It is strange when I stop and look back, it turns out he was not there. I was convinced that he also ran after me, even when I stopped I still heard the last step that signifies the man he helped to stop. But he suddenly disappeared.
My view was that looking towards the rear, immediately distracted by the sound of the horn of my dad's car. A male figure who looks younger than his father a few years before I knew sitting beside my father in front of the car seat. My father waved to me and the man sitting next to my father's smile.
I hurried and ran toward the car sat in the back seat. Finally finished college today.
"What about your college days my daughter?" Spontaneous father saw me and ask before running the car.
"Good father,, who the next guy's father?" Answer me in the Indonesian language because I do not want a man who along with his father understood what I say.
"Oh ... he! His name is Mr. Smith. He is a ranger who served in Patenvilles. We had met when his father and Mr. Logan visited the central police station and reported that we are in the village Patenvilles. Then his father offered to the woods together. "Replied my father started running the car.
It seems my hope that Mr. Smith did not know the conversation I had with my father disappeared. When I stopped talking, Mr. Smith and my father immediately whisper and laugh later. I did not hear what they are talking about, but I know what they are talking about. Now shame on Mr.. Smith left in my current self.
My father to drop off Mr. Smith until the right front of his house. I just saw a house on the road to this forest, but why I do not see it yesterday. When Mr. Smith got out and say a sense of gratitude, I saw the way home. There is a figure teen who just went into the house. It's weird because teenagers like her I'd ever seen, but I can not see his face because the figure back to me.
As to his home, seen a car that was parked in front of the house. When stopped and got out, I ran towards the direction of the red car.
"Wow dad,,,, what is the car that his father's promise to me?" The question to me in Indonesian. My look of awe when I touched the car, as if I were to touch a very delicate silk and the coveted every girl.
"What, do you like?" The answer is clear that the red car was really my own.
"So .... Good. "Smile spoiled my fun of my father's heart. Now I do not need to transfer my father to go to college. I will treat this car well.
Tomorrow's the day I left her my campus. There are things that make me feel so frustrated is when I go to class and two eyes staring at me sharply, from its beginning to the end of the courses. The same thing happened again like yesterday. The man who followed me yesterday, I went in the back.
If we suppose that we have not followed people know, the fear and chills will hit us. The feeling that I was feeling. But I did not dare to ask or angry with her. I'm so scared, he seemed to want to do something to me. Why do I have to follow, what a madman he had an obsession, I'm scared. I wanted to get out of the per-lecture is over, but I realized I should not give up because of this.
In the end, there was one occasion when I was in a state of menstruation, my emotions peaked. When he came and followed me again, I began to feel angry. In a restaurant, I was eating with new friends here me. As usual I still followed. My friends I began to feel annoyed and told me to take action so that she did not follow me anymore.
Finally I took a glass of drink in front of me. I walked toward the man who last I knew his name, Tylor. With anger I spilling my drink into his face and say bad words were said out in my home country.
"What you're crazy. Why are you following me. If you want to target the sex girls that you can flirt, I'm sorry it was not. You're a quote me." Said my tone was angry and very rude to be heard. Everyone looked at me, while Tylor still with that look the same to me. Shame began to haunt me time and finally I pull in my friends to go from there.
The next day I went to college. In my mind, hopefully Tylor did not quote me again. If indeed such a thing still happens, maybe I'll do worse than yesterday. Actually, yesterday I was feeling sorry for her, however, that the action I did yesterday is not true. Now an innocent sense of relief mixed into one.
I went to class as usual. Walking casually as he glanced toward the bench usually occupied Tylor next door. But this time the bench was empty and unoccupied. Even when the subject is running out, that bench was still empty. He lost some where. I asked a friend who sat beside me on Tylor, but he did not know the reason for lack of Tylor's departure.
Ha ... h, this makes me feel so guilty and thought that my action is outrageous. Maybe he did not leave because of being ill, or may feel ashamed of myself and felt it had no face in front of his friends for what I did yesterday. But as far as my knowledge was not Tylor of socializing with people who exist on this campus. He was just hanging out with a man and a woman who reportedly is the brother and sister who are both Tylor lectures here.
Tylor's brother is actually a senior elder in the semester. While Tylor's sister, same level with Tylor semester but different majors courses with less Tylor. They always met when at rest, and what they do is like Tylor, saw me. For some reason I was more disturbed than his two brothers on Tylor. But it may Tylor sharper eyes in my direction without turning, compared to two brothers who sometimes turned away after seeing me.
Today it turns out they all are not present on campus. They like to feel insulted by my remarks yesterday. Uh ............ so why now I feel guilty .... Should not I feel happy if they do not depart. But the lack of an off-the more they make me feel guilty.
Next two days they still did not leave. Some say if they've come out of this campus. They say that they're having an accident and had to be hospitalized. In addition, there is also said that they felt offended by me, because before no one wants to deal with cold-faced creatures like them.
The next day brother and sister had left for college Tylor as usual. But Tylor still not revealed a bridge of his nose. Tylor was not seen by me and my friends.
Tylor talks about the two brothers. They look very different today. They look like two people who have had far-away-an. Tired eyes still look in their eyes. It was seen as Tylor's sister saw me with a sweet smile when I see it.
Three days later. Today I went to school escorted by Mr. Logan is my chance to come home early. My car also happened to be on strike today and will be fixed later my father. Thus, the transfer of my father, I'd rather ride with Mr.. Logan because his car is better.
Mr. Logan car stopped when he reached the third road on the east of my campus, about 100 meters. Mr. Logan does not have to drop off I got to college and I also do not want to bother him. So, I asked him to lower his I'm here. After all, walking feels more healthy.
For some reason this time my mind did not use concentrations. Au walking like a zombie and did not pay attention to my surroundings. I just saw the clock in my cell phone. Because it was too distracted to see my phone, do not feel I have been walking in the middle of the road. Suddenly the sound of the horn bus in front of me. I was horrified, as if my body could not be moved. Even when I saw the bus is already one meter in front of me because of the speed of the bus driver used.
Feels as though time stopped for five seconds. Suddenly I realized I was on the street. I felt like someone was hugging me. Sure enough, I turned on the survivors by Tylor. Feelings that arise when it is warm, as if I feel protected from anything that could kill me. Deeply moved.
In the rescue, Tylor had a large abrasion on his right arm.
"Thank,,, t,, tha,, thank you." A big thank you I speak haltingly. Tylor just smiled at me and stood up, carrying me toward the campus. At that time I still can not say anything. I just saw his face that look like sparkles. So fascinating.
(wait for the next story ya .....................)

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